Madrona Kids Fund

Our Annual Madrona Kids Fund Campaign runs through November 25. Please consider donating if you haven’t already. If we are able to raise $10,000 by the November 25 deadline, a donor has offered to match the donations. As of last Wednesday, we have raised $7,500. We suggest a donation of $55 per student to hit our budgeted goal of $33,000. However, we understand every family is in a different financial situation and know this is not doable for every family. On our Madrona BearFacts webpage, we have a list with links of other ways you can help that don’t cost you anything except for your time to sign up. These include things like using AmazonSmile, and linking your Fred Myer or OfficeMax card to Madrona.

Remember to talk to your employer to find out if they do corporate donation matches! If you need help with paperwork to make that happen, please reach out to our treasurer, Remy at

Please see the attached slide show to see how your donation helps our Madrona students.

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