
My Favorite Things

Hello my name is: Elena Pauley (Ms. Elena)

Here is a list of the things you might like to know about me.

Center or Job Title: Zenith teacher
Favorite Fast Food Place: Taco Time
Restaurant: I love to support locally / family owned!
Coffee Place: Diedrichs/Starbucks
Grocery Store: Fred Meyer
Other: We are expecting a baby in May 🙂 any and all baby gifts will be loved!
Candy: Granola bars / chocolate covered fruits/nuts
Dessert: Ice Cream
Coffee: Dark roast!
Tea: Tazo passion tea
Snack Food: Corn nuts
Things I would like to receive for the class room or for hobbies I have are: Any stickers or special pens
Other Notes: Handmade cards from students are my favorite!

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