Week 3

Happy Fall, Madrona Families!

Week three of school is upon us.  Picture day is today.  Tomorrow is the Fun Strut and Parade for the kids.  Curriculum Night for Kindergarten through Intermediate happens in the evening.  (See calendar link here: Events Calendar | Madrona Bear Facts)  You should receive an email from the school soon with the zoom links.  If you missed our first MIT meeting of the year last week, you can find the minutes here: pdf of Meeting Minutes for September 

A couple years ago, a staff member requested a Kurig coffee maker for the staff room as part of Staff Appreciation.  There is a coffee pot in the staff room, but you know how it goes with a large group of people: one person makes coffee, no one drinks it and then someone comes back hours later and is stuck with a cold cup of 12 hour old coffee.  We happily purchased a large Kurig…And then Covid happened.  Staff weren’t able to use the machine last year.  The Kurig has finally made it home this year and is being utilized by the staff!

(Hillary Hubacker enjoying the first cup of coffee from the new Kurig!)

Did you know the Equity Team at Madrona has put together a Lending Library of books to help expand understanding of equity, race, culture and identity?  These books are geared toward the adults in our school.  If you’d like to see what books are available through the Equity Lending Library, please go to this link: Madrona Equity Lending Library Participation Form (google.com)  Ms. Galbraith, our school librarian, has put a lot of work into the collection of books in the student library of books meant for student levels.  If you are interested in diversity books for your children, please reach out to Ms. Galbraith at galbraithl@edmonds.wednet.edu

Upcoming Dates of Interest:
Thursday, September 23 Curriculum Night K-6
Thursday, September 30 Curriculum Night Middle School
Wednesday, October 6 Mod Pizza Fundraiser Night
Friday, October 8 Garden Club
Wednesday, October 13 MIT General Meeting
**Please see MIT calendar for times and locations Events Calendar | Madrona Bear Facts**

As always, if you have any questions, comments or concerns, I’d love to talk to you!  Feel free to reach out anytime.  MITParentChair@gmail.com

Have a wonderful week!
Molly Tobias

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